That is how my face looks like now.
I'm not gonna be as lonely today!
But I got no idea what time.
We'll see.
Reading my past posts, I think it's kinda epic, I feel like a fucking idiot, :D.
More than the one that I am now, anyway.
I got no idea what to say so let me complain.
Screw this shit!
My mummy told me I have to finish all my homework by this week, wtf.
One week of holiday already gone because of structured.
Damn shit, -.-
Plus got projects, she say, don't care, must finish.
Wtf ar.
If you know me, I'm not gonna finish that shitload of homework by this week. :O
Bryan's house tomorrow to play pool, movie after?
One more thing.
I fucking hate my mummy's boss ttvfm. :)
She's going to resign from her job at the end of this month.
I swear, if I ever meet my mummy's boss, I will scold her right in her bitch face.
So I'd like, walk up to her & say : You where not happy with my mother?
Then I imagine her with the :O face.
So she'll probably tell my mummy : Tsk, never teach your daughter manners?
Then I'd probably say : Shut up, now I talking to you. Where not happy with my mother?
Screw that old lady. :O
My mummy do things right, scold, do things wrong, scold.
Send one e-mail also later need to worry her boss will scold her later.
Always pick on her only.
Fucking old bitch, my mummy do what thing wrong?
Surely you jealous.
My mummy deserves much more. \m/
Then my daddy say when she resign, he want to send her a bad text.
I want my mummy to bring me to her office on the last day of her work, :D.
So I scold till I happy.
To make you mine, stay with me tonight.